Press Release:
'Mind-grabbing', 'beautifully designed and illustrated' and a 'must read' are some of the reviews The Extraterrestrial Times (T.ET.T) has received. Now sold in twenty countries, this unique newspaper-style book features amazing alien encounters, new theories regarding the origins of our planet - and much more! Also containing over 300 photographs, original art and illustrations, T.ET.T is a great and entertaining read for everyone. Although the UFO phenomenon continues to grow, T.ET.T is a work which many will refer to as controversial, but truth, or fiction; we leave it to the individual to draw their own conclusions.
With the arrival of a new consciousness and a new era to our planet, humanity must be spiritually prepared to embrace a new way of life. T.ET.T discusses that should we choose to change, we could access clean energy resources and more advanced technologies. We could see the eradication of hunger, disease, and the wrong distribution of our natural resources, and even experience intergalactic travel. However, we will only experience such marvels if we learn how to live in peace and brotherhood with every society, in and outside of our world.
The book also features the original artwork of Dr. Francis Ekis, revealing the basic technical plans for his anti-gravitational device. Ekis also discusses how simple it is to develop free energy, liberating us from our dependence on limited, damaging and expensive energy resources.
T.ET.T explores some of the greatest mysteries of man's past, present and future as a race in the universes, and highlights that throughout history our planetary brothers have been promoting to us the principles of real evolution, and the desperate need for us to progress and change as a species.
T.ET.T is available in print and electronically, for all devices, at all good online book retailers and libraries worldwide (ISBN: 978-0-9572902-0-4).
2012 December 13th 2012
And here's the latest review from Watkins Books, London's largest and oldest esoteric book store.
"A beautifully designed and illustrated text that takes you across the expanse of extraterrestrial contact with humanity from the ancient aeons to the very present.
Francis Ekis' delightful book should please the hardened ufologist, or the merely curious..."
October 23rd 2012
We are delighted to announce that The Extraterrestrial Times is now on sale at Watkins Books, London’s largest and oldest esoteric book store. As one of the world’s leading independent book stores we are pretty proud to be on sale in such a prestigious shop! Established over 100 years ago Watkins Books is located in the heart of London’s theatre land and this beautiful shop is well worth a visit!

October 9th 2012:
Darren Perks, Ufologist Investigator, Media Contributor, UFO Shropshire
" ...straight forward and easy to read - and the images and art that capture one's mind. It really is mind grabbing and Francis should be very proud of what he has produced. The fact that he has made a book that all ages can read is great, and it’s a different take to the normal kind of ufology books available...
The book touches on free energy through the use of electromagnetic gyroscopes, and uses images to show how this type of propulsion might be used. It certainly broadens the mind but with real life fact from ancient times to the modern day. I highly recommend this book and it is a must for your collection if your interested in ufology..."
September 16th 2012:
Well, the book is released, and the reviews are coming in! Have a read below, and remember, as Thomas Hovig said, "The truth is full of intrigues, traps, lies, broken hopes and sufferings and constitutes a relation of events that are as sensational as the discovery itself..." T.ET.T
Above ‘N’ Beyond September 2012
“The information contained herein will ignite your inner desire to investigate further the most intriguing and complex subject of our modern age...”
“...the pages reveal a side to the world man has yet to embrace and understand...a book you will want to keep in your library 'a great read'.
Read full review here:

Press Release: July 2012
“For everything that was exposed by the extraterrestrials in the seven landings, that are drawn on the deserts in Nazca - Peru, we would not be neither the only ones, nor the first ones in the universe. The mission of the UFOs would be...." T.ET.T
We are pleased to announce the launch of the book The Extraterrestrial Times (T.ET.T), The Collections & Art of Francis Ekis, ‘The Messages From Our Brothers of the Stars’, presenting extraterrestrial truths concerning the UFO phenomenon - encounters, controversial and rare theories and hypotheses, regarding some of the greatest mysteries of man's past, present and future as a race in this vast universe.
T.ET.T features some of the original artwork of Dr. Francis Ekis, revealing the basic technical plans for his anti-gravitational device utilised to build his spacecraft. Ekis also discusses how simple it is to develop free energy, liberating us from our dependence on limited, damaging and expensive energy resources. He also examines how and why we, as a race have failed to explore and publically recognise certain advanced technologies, and thus implement clean energy for all.
In T.ET.T Dr. Ekis also presents rarely-heard theories about how our planet was built, highlighting that throughout history our planetary brothers have been promoting to us the principles of real evolution, and the desperate need for us to progress and change as a species in the universes.